solvatio® BLOG
A Blog about solutions for customer service and support, artificial intelligence and automation in service.

Acceptance: Not everybody loves AI

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Sep 23, 2019 3:00:00 PM

Enthusiastic experts have no doubt at all that artificial intelligence will prevail. But leaving the rose-colored AI glasses aside and assuming the viewpoint of customers and employees, obstacles beyond the technology itself become evident: Currently, there are three problems preventing the widespread acceptance of artificial intelligence.


Themen: AI, KI, Machine Learrning, Bot, Big Data, ML, customer service, Ethics, Chat Bot, Algorithm, technology, customer support, data

Algorithms: Instructions for how to deal with our everyday life

Veröffentlicht von Sarah Heuser auf May 29, 2019 11:00:00 AM


Algorithms accompany our lives and our workdays, but most of us do not really know what they actually are. It is all the more important to find out what the term stands for, and where algorithms come into play.


Themen: AI, Machine Learrning, ML, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Algorithm

The consequences of poor customer service – and how companies can avoid them

Veröffentlicht von Sarah Heuser auf Apr 3, 2019 9:43:00 AM


Impolite service agents, too-long waiting times, inquiries without reply: poor customer service has many faces. This is not only extremely annoying for the customer but also has far-reaching consequences for the company.


Themen: Machine Learrning, ML, customer service

Identifying and defining use cases: the first steps to an effective introduction of AI

Veröffentlicht von Sarah Heuser auf Mar 20, 2019 10:00:00 AM



Many companies see high potential in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and would therefore like to implement the technology. However, not every project is suitable. As a first precondition for beneficial use of AI, the proper use cases must be identified; secondly, it must be ensured that certain criteria are met.


Themen: AI, Machine Learrning, ML, Artificial Intelligence, Use Cases

A brief look back at CCW 2019: Heading towards a new standard for customer service dialogue

Veröffentlicht von Marina Illy auf Mar 8, 2019 3:23:00 PM


Three days at Germany’s capital, third time an exhibitor and three major takeaways:  the 21st edition of CCW was held from February 19-21st at the Estrel Convention center in Berlin.  With 270 exhibitors and more than 8000 exhibitors from 46 countries CCW provided an international forum featuring latest technological trends and innovative services in customer dialogue.


Themen: AI, Machine Learrning, networking, telecommunication, CCW, ML, customer service, Artificial Intelligence

7 tips for a successful start of AI projects

Veröffentlicht von Sarah Heuser auf Feb 20, 2019 10:42:00 AM



 An increasing number of companies want to use artificial intelligence to improve their internal processes across industries. At first glance, initiating and setting on track AI projects seems simple: Just implement some AI-based software, and the company will promptly start to benefit from the latest technology! In reality, however, it is not quite so easy. The preconditions for a truly successful implementation are thorough preparations, well-targeted realization, and permanent monitoring and testing. See the following seven tips for a successful start of an AI project:


Themen: Customer Experience, Machine Learrning, ML, Artificial Intelligence

solvatio - smart troubleshooting solutions

solvatio provides leading solutions for automated troubleshooting and malfunction resolutions in technical systems & devices. Originally founded as spin-off of the Department for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science of Würzburg University more than 20 years ago, solvatio continues to push the boundaries of AI for automated data-driven knowledge generation and AI orchestrated troubleshooting.

It is our mission to minimize service efforts, reduce support costs and achieve superior operator and customer experience across all interaction channels while ensuring the provision of excellent technical support and flawless operation.