solvatio® BLOG
A Blog about solutions for customer service and support, artificial intelligence and automation in service.

Nils Güntner

Nils Güntner
Nils likes to link past and present: Playing Zither - producing Hip-Hop Beats. Pursuing classical sports - and esports. His writing style is inspired by German classics - his writing issues are contemporary. Nils studies Specialized Journalism and supports the solvatio marketing team as a student intern.

Aktuelle Beiträge

Open Access? Overbuilding! A glance at Germany

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Feb 15, 2023 1:21:38 PM


Themen: Customer Experience, Kundenservice, Troubleshooting, Smart Troubleshooting, customer service, Telekommunikation, customer support, Datenintegration, data integration, proactivity

What the Romans tell us about proactive customer service

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Jan 23, 2023 11:17:34 AM


Themen: Customer Experience, Kundenservice, Troubleshooting, Smart Troubleshooting, customer service, Telekommunikation, customer support, Datenintegration, data integration, proactivity

The Importance of Consistency in Customer Service

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Jun 23, 2021 2:50:37 PM

Consistency in customer service is one of those things that is just as basic as it is hard to achieve. For one thing, because every detail matters. For another, because consistency doesn't stand alone. It depends on the overall quality of service, on the right use of technology, on your data infrastructure, on your agents. It all melds into one big picture when your customer engages you’re your customer service. It's not said for nothing that the three C's of customer experience (CX) are consistency, consistency, and consistency.


Themen: Künstliche Intelligenz, Customer Experience, KI, customer loyalty, telecommunication, Automation, CX, Artificial Intelligence, Omni-Channel, customer support, data

Home Office: How to Get Your Internet Connection Corona Ready

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Mar 26, 2020 2:00:00 PM



Themen: Troubleshooting, corona, internet connection

Data integration creates added value

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Jan 3, 2020 1:51:00 PM



Themen: AI, Troubleshooting, telecommunication, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Use Cases, technology, data integration

Acceptance: Not everybody loves AI

Veröffentlicht von Nils Güntner auf Sep 23, 2019 3:00:00 PM

Enthusiastic experts have no doubt at all that artificial intelligence will prevail. But leaving the rose-colored AI glasses aside and assuming the viewpoint of customers and employees, obstacles beyond the technology itself become evident: Currently, there are three problems preventing the widespread acceptance of artificial intelligence.


Themen: AI, KI, Machine Learrning, Bot, Big Data, ML, customer service, Ethics, Chat Bot, Algorithm, technology, customer support, data

solvatio - smart troubleshooting solutions

solvatio provides leading solutions for automated troubleshooting and malfunction resolutions in technical systems & devices. Originally founded as spin-off of the Department for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science of Würzburg University more than 20 years ago, solvatio continues to push the boundaries of AI for automated data-driven knowledge generation and AI orchestrated troubleshooting.

It is our mission to minimize service efforts, reduce support costs and achieve superior operator and customer experience across all interaction channels while ensuring the provision of excellent technical support and flawless operation.